In chapter 19, after the hurricane, what is Tea Cake forced to do?

Itali said...

I feel sooooooooo sad because now that she met the human of her dreams, he is about to die. He wasn't exactly a saint and he had some flaws, simply over all he was the type of man she had been waiting on and now he is dead. Money is definitely a motif throughout the book and more than then in this chapter. Tea Block is confident that noone can get to him considering he has coin. He is just like a child who flashes and brags about money when they accept it. We at present know that apart of his graphic symbol revolved around having money. He believes that money can get him out of anything. I know that many people who read nearly the hurricane idea he would have died during the hurricane, but it is odd that he died of a simple dog seize with teeth.

Itali said...

for the record, blue ether's bust on page 178 is blue heavens bosom.

Darmecia C. said...

In ch.19 they arrived at Palm Beach. Ii white men forced Tea Cake to do work for them. He is forced to bury bodies. It is so racist that the black bodies were but dumped in ditches. Janie and Tea Cake felt like they weren't wanted there so they left and went back to the Everglades. They went back to find the Motor Gunkhole had suprisingly survived the storm. Tea Block also starts to become very sick. Janie gets Dr. Simmons to help notice out what is wrong. He tells Janie that the dog that bit Tea Cake might have had rabids. In his example it is too late for Tea Cake. So, Tea cake starts to go someone other than himself. He now accusses Janie of committing adultry with Mrs. Turner brother. Janie denies the fact that she has ever done such a matter. Then she becomes paranoid when she finds the gun under the pillow with simply three bullets. Its like solar day afterward day he gets crazier because the side by side day he tries to shoot her, but ended up getting shot first. Now everyone in the boondocks is turning against her like in Eatonville

anaya c said...

In chapter 19, Janie and Tea Cake left Palm Beach and went back to the Everglades. There was racism in this chapter. Tea Cake was forced to dump the bodies of the dead black people. When they got back, Tea Block started feeling actually sick so Janie called Dr. Simmons. When he examined Tea Block he told Janie that he was basically dying. Tea Cake idea Janie was sneaking effectually to see Mr.Turner. Ane day Janie constitute a gun under his pillow. They got into an argument and he pulled out the gun on her. Janie also pulled out a gun and shot him to save her life. At the court, Janie had to testify. Janie's convincing love story got her from going to jail. This chapter was actually sad considering the one Janie really loved, she had to kill him.

Doug said...

right when tea cake got sick i knew he was not going to last long. at first i thought it was something like typhoid fever because he drank the water and reacted violently. however rabies was a good alternative guess and what ultimately killed him. he had that pistol at his bed, that came across to me as though he wouldnt permit himself hurt janie. if he was harboring feelings of assailment to janie at this indicate it unrealistic to me. im not an adept on rabies or anything but i think every bit before long as he was nuts plenty to lay mitt on that pistol he should take been nuts enough to apply it and so... not plan for it afterward. in a fashion he reverted into some cardinal beast. and when he was almost completely insane he held the pistol up at janie. i think that if he were gone enough to exercise that that he also would non take been able to aim or even concord up the pistol. information technology doesnt make sence for him to forget janie but recall how to aim and all seem just a piffling off to me but like i said i know pretty much nothing about rabies.

ariellebyrd said...

In chapte nineteen Tea-cake is basically virtually to die.They went back to Everglades and left Palm Beach. He mainly left because two white men fabricated him bury dead bodies, and started getting really ill. Janie became very business and called Dr Simmons and he told her that Tea- Cake was dying. And then oneday they got the arguing and he pulled a gun out on her so she pull ane out to, but she shot him, because she didn't know what his crazy cocky was capable of doing to her. Its ironic how she beloved him so much and ending up killing him...merely I on't blame of her beause if he was crazy plenty to pull a gun out on her slap her, he was probably crazy enough to shoot a toe off or something. LOL

Andrew said...

Later the Hurricane, Tea Cake and Janie stay in Palm embankment for awhile, merely decide to go dorsum to the Everglades, considering work on Palm embankment was just burial bodies. Ane twenty-four hours, Tea Block comes home early because he felt ill. Janie calls on a friendly doctor to check upwardly on Tea Cake. They found out that the dog that scrap him had rabies. Each day, Tea Cake grew crazier and crazier. I solar day, Janie found a pistol that carried 3 bullets. She changed the bullets alignment so that when the commencement bullet is shot, information technology wouldn't shoot, in case of an actual attempt to shoot her. One day, he does endeavor to shoot her. As he pulls the trigger, she runs to get her burglarize, to scare him, but he was prepared to shoot, leaving her no choice only to retaliate. In the courtroom, all of the people who she called friends, went against her, and some fifty-fifty offered to bear witness against her. The doctor was the only ane who testified for her. After hearing her side of the story, she was innocent. She and so gives Tea Cake a majestic burial.

kiara said...

in this affiliate tea block really started to show his bad side. they also moved back to that other town. because of the bad tempest that happen. i thought that they where going to died togather. simply tea cakes starts to become kind of ill i think considering he was moving those died bodies effectually.merely this was really sad because she had to to do some that she might not never for requite her self and that killing the one that she loved the almost..

OctaviaC said...

Alot has happened in chapter nineteen. The storm has damaged alo tof people lives. "Saw the hand of horror on everything". Motor Boat stayed live because he slept in a house that was run down. Janieand Tea Cake left Palm Embankment and went dorsum to the Everglades. And so all all of a sudden Tea Cake becomes ill and is choking alot at nightime. The physician said the dog that fleck him had some kind of disease. He becomes dangerouws and Janie gets worried. He starts to accuse Janie of alot of things. And so he and Janie become tearing one twenty-four hour period and Janie shoots him because she was terrified. Janie gave Tea Cake a skilful burial. I bet he knows better now. LOL! nevermind He'due south dead.

*Inna said...

It happened a lot in this affiliate. Janie and Tea Block are so happy together but and then he gets really sick . It is considering of the canis familiaris, who bit him in the storm. It turns out that he is going to dice. Janie wants him to go to stay in a hospital, but he refuses, considering he wants to be with her. The demon in him makes him act like crazy and at i bespeak he wants to shoot her, unfortunetly it doesen't work for the commencement 3 shots and and then he is the first one who gets shot. Janie has to go to prison for 3 hours and then to courtroom. Simply they release her , considering they know that she loved Tea Cake like crazy and she just protected herself.

Tamani said...

In affiliate xix, Janie and Tea Cake went back to the Everglades. Tea Cake was forced to dump the black bodies in quicklime which i institute very disrespectful. Tea Cake was starting to get really sick in this really really sick. Information technology was gettting to a signal where he couldnt even eat. I couldnt even believe this chapter when i read information technology. I couldnt believe that Janie killed her husband, the 1 she really loves. That was kind of weird to me. Janie'south other husbands that she didnt love just dies while she had to kill the ane she actually loved. Damn.

Tamani said...

In chapter 19, Janie and Tea Cake went dorsum to the Everglades. Tea Cake was forced to dump the black bodies in quicklime which i establish very disrespectful. Tea Cake was starting to get really sick in this really really sick. It was gettting to a signal where he couldnt even consume. I couldnt even believe this chapter when i read it. I couldnt believe that Janie killed her husband, the i she really loves. That was kind of weird to me. Janie's other husbands that she didnt love just dies while she had to kill the ane she really loved. Damn.

Tamani said...

In affiliate 19, Janie and Tea Cake went dorsum to the Everglades. Tea Cake was forced to dump the black bodies in quicklime which i found very disrespectful. Tea Cake was starting to get actually ill in this really really ill. It was gettting to a point where he couldnt even consume. I couldnt even believe this chapter when i read it. I couldnt believe that Janie killed her hubby, the one she really loves. That was kind of weird to me. Janie's other husbands that she didnt love just dies while she had to kill the ane she really loved. Damn.

Draveon said...

Tea cake really goes through some harsh times and some unusual punishment in this chapter. he is forced to bury bodies by two white men and it is obviously a job he does non want. i call up he may exist reaping and feeling the pain that he acquired janie when he vanquish her. tea cake eventually dies in this affiliate. of a dog bite..... what kind of death is that?

sharon said...

wow man its sad because in chapter 19 Later on the hurricane, death is all around Palm Beach. Two white men with rifles force Tea Block to bury corpses. Disgusted with the work and fearful of the racism around the town (the white corpses get coffins, merely the black corpses are simply dumped in a ditch and covered with quicklime), Tea Cake and Janie decide to leave surreptitiously and return to the Everglades


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